Daniel Kiekens • September 9, 2023

School Savings: Budget-Friendly Back-to-School Shopping Tips

As summer rolls on and September approaches, we move ever-closer to the first day of school, an annual event loved by parents and loathed by school-aged children. Although the global pandemic has significantly disrupted in-person schooling over the past year and a half, the age-old ritual of back-to-school shopping remains an important tradition. With that in mind, read on for our top five list of budget-friendly back-to-school shopping tips!

  • Set a budget and stick to it

The bill for back-to-school shopping can quickly add up, especially if you have more than one child! The first step towards a budget-friendly back-to-school shopping adventure is setting a budget. Start by making a list of all the items you anticipate needing, then allocate a reasonable cost for each, and then provide a bit of wiggle room in the budget. Consider whether the total budget is reasonable, or if you will need to find efficiencies somewhere. If you need to make cuts to the anticipated expenditure, read on for tips on how to accomplish that!

  • Visit yard sales in your neighbourhood

Yard sales can be a fantastic place to find essential items for back-to-school. From clothing and school supplies to toys and sports gear, you might be surprised at the variety of things you can find at a great price! It’s also an easy way to get out and meet some of your neighbours!

  • Reuse and recycle

It may be tempting to start with a completely clean slate for each new school year, but there are many benefits to reusing and recycling. Binders, pencil cases, and lunch boxes are all re-usable items that provide better value if saved for a second year. Even expendable items like pencils, markers, and erasers can find life in another year. In addition to saving money, it’s also beneficial to instil in children the importance of reducing waste and making environmentally friendly choices by reusing everyday items where possible.

  • Shop closets; reach out to friends, family, and neighbours

In the words of Hamilton, Ontario band Arkells, “Ain’t no shame in some hand-me-downs.” Hand-me-downs are a great way to save money on back-to-school shopping. The classic source for this clothing is older siblings, but don’t overlook family members and even neighbours with children slightly older than your own.

  • Find student discounts

Many stores and online retailers offer discounts for students. Take some time to research these potential discounts, and if you don’t find any information on a discount, it doesn’t hurt to ask! There are also dedicated programs recognized by retailers; for a small fee you may be able to purchase a student discount card, and then use it at different stores to enjoy savings.

If you are looking for a home in a reputable school district in or around London, Ontario, don’t hesitate to reach out to Daniel Kiekens at dan@dkre.ca . As a licensed real estate professional, Daniel can help you find your perfect home.

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